Sunnybank Chamber of Commerce


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    Aidan ZhuTeam Leader

    area of expertise
    • Perperty Investment Service
    • Bachelor

    “I started with a $50,000 deposit and now, I’ve got a $6 million portfolio working for me while I sleep. Knowing that I will have the income from this portfolio makes me feel very confident and secure about my financial future.” I have worked in real estate about 9 yeares .

    Professional, trustful and consistant

    “My hands-on experience has also helped me understand how others like me can achieve the same results. I now have many customers who are Chinese immigrants like myself, professionals who work across multiple industries. For me, it’s not just about helping them build their property portfolio, it’s about exchanging ideas about wealth, business, growth. That’s what so fulfilling – and it’s exactly what Ironfish did for me.


    Contact details

    Level 1, 56 Boundary St South Bribane QLD 4101

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